Automatic Live Update v3 documentation

Last update: June 18th, 2018


  1. Introduction
  2. How does it work?
  3. How to create a request?
    1. 3.1 Stored Credentials
    2. 3.2 Airline Information
    3. 3.3 Credit details
    4. 3.4 3DS 2.0 Parameters
  4. The response
  5. Return codes/messages in case of failed requests
  6. Resources

1. Introduction

ALU, short for Automatic Live Update, is intended for merchants who want to place transactions directly in the PayU system. The main advantage that ALU presents is that it allows the Merchant to also send the Shopper card data.

This approach allows merchants full control over their shoppers' experience, meaning that ALU:

2. How does it work?

ALU allows the Merchant to create transactions, using a Server to Server communication with PayU.

The process requires the Merchant to create a request using HTTPs POST protocol, at the following URL:

The entire flow is depicted in the diagrams bellow.

A. ALU flow for Non 3D Secure enrolled cards

Step 1
When the Shopper decides to pay for the products, he clicks the "Pay" button and the Merchant will collect the data submitted in the form from his shop. This can be saved as a new order in the Merchant system.

Step 2
Merchant system sends the data collected by his shop using an ALU request via HTTP POST from his server to PayU server. The creation of ALU request is detailed here.

Step 3
The PayU Server returns an ALU response inline as a XML document to Merchant's backend. The ALU response is detailed here.

Step 4
Merchant backend matches the ALU response with ALU request and displays the customized results to the Shopper.

B. ALU flow for 3D Secure enrolled cards

Step 1
When a Shopper decides to pay for the products (through his browser), he clicks the "Pay" button and the Merchant will collect the data submitted in the form from his shop. This can be saved as a new order in the Merchant system.

Step 2
Merchant system sends the data collected by his shop using an ALU request via HTTP POST from his server to PayU server. The creation of ALU request is detailed here.

Step 3
PayU identifies that the Shopper has a 3D Secure enrolled card and returns an ALU response inline as a XML document. A sample of the 3DS ALU response can be found here.

Step 4
The Merchant starts the 3DS payment using the URL from the 3DS ALU response.

Steps 5 and 6
The Shopper is redirected to the PayU Server, which redirects him further to the Bank.

Steps 7 and 8
The Bank presents the 3DS form to the Shopper and here can submit his 3DS credentials (password).

Step 9
If the Shopper's 3DS password is correct, the Bank approves the payment. Based on this information, PayU authorizes the payment.

Step 10
PayU sends an ALU response via HTTP POST to BACK_REF URL provided by the Merchant. The POST contains REFNO, ALIAS, STATUS, RETURN_CODE, RETURN_MESSAGE and DATE parameters. Details can be found here.

Step 11
The Merchant backend matches the ALU response with ALU request and displays the customized results to the Shopper.

C. ALU flow for PBL payment methods

Step 1
When a Shopper decides to pay for the products (through his browser), he clicks the "Pay" button and the Merchant will collect the data submitted in the form from his shop. This can be saved as a new order in the Merchant system.

Step 2
Merchant system sends the data collected by his shop using an ALU request via HTTP POST from his server to PayU server. The creation of ALU request is detailed here.

Step 3
PayU identifies that the payment method is a PBL method and returns an ALU response inline as XML document containing the redirect URL. A sample of the ALU response for this case can be found here.

Step 4
The Merchant starts the PBL payment using the URL from the URL_REDIRECT field in ALU response.

Steps 5 and 6
The Shopper is redirected to the PayU Server, which redirects him further to the PBL website.

Steps 7 and 8
Shopper interacts with PBL website and provides necessary information (register, login, select payment method, etc.)

Step 9
The Shopper is redirected back to PayU. If the payment was successful, PayU authorizes the payment.

Step 10
PayU sends an ALU response via HTTP POST to BACK_REF URL provided by the Merchant. The POST contains REFNO, ALIAS, STATUS, RETURN_CODE, RETURN_MESSAGE and DATE parameters. Details can be found here.

Step 11
The Merchant backend matches the ALU response with ALU request and displays the customized results to the Shopper.

3. How to create a request?

To use ALU, the Merchant needs to create a HTTP POST request and send it from their server (backend) at the following URL:

The HTTP POST request must contain, at least, the required parameters detailed below.

This method gives the Merchant absolute control over the technology used on their backend to create and send the HTTP POST request, as long it contains the required parameters.

A. Required Parameters List

Order Details
Parameter Description
MERCHANT The Merchant's ID, available in Control Panel (Account Management / Account Settings)
ORDER_REF Order external reference number in Merchant's system
ORDER_DATE The date when the order is initiated in the system, in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format (e.g.: "2012-05-01 21:15:45")
Important: Date should be UTC standard +/-10 minutes
ORDER_HASH HMAC_MD5 signature applied on all parameters from the request.
Source string for HMAC_MD5 will be calculated by adding the length of each field value at the beginning of field value. A common key shared between PayU and the merchant is used for the signature. Find more details on how is HASH generated here.
BACK_REF Return URL on the Merchant webshop side that will be used in case of 3DS enrolled cards authorizations or for Pay By Link (PBL) payment methods (such as PayU Credit, ITRANSFER_BT).
Product Details
Parameter Description
ORDER_PNAME[] Array filled with the product names (minimum length: 2 characters - maximum length: 155 characters / per product name)
ORDER_PCODE[] Array filled with the product codes (maximum length: 50 characters per product code). If multiple products are sent (in the same or subsequent transactions) with the same product code, PayU will update the product with the corresponding ORDER_PCODE[] (overwriting all the other product information - name, price, taxes).
ORDER_PRICE[] Array filled with unit prices for ordered products. Default currency is set by PRICES_CURRENCY, described below.
ORDER_VAT[] Array with VAT values for each product in the order.
ORDER_PRICE_TYPE[] Array that specifies if the ORDER_PRICE[] includes the VAT. Possible values: "GROSS" (VAT included) and "NET" (VAT will be added by PayU). The parameter is optional, but if not specified, the default value is "NET" . Please note that using "NET" and ORDER_VAT[] different from 0 is deprecated and will be removed in the future.
ORDER_QTY[] Array filled with the ordered quantities for all ordered products.
PRICES_CURRENCY The currency in which the prices are expressed, for example TRY
If the parameter is not specified, the default value is the default currency of the Merchant.
Billing Details
Parameter Description
BILL_LNAME Shopper's last name
BILL_FNAME Shopper's first name
BILL_EMAIL Email address of the Shopper
BILL_PHONE Shopper's phone number
BILL_COUNTRYCODE Shopper's country code in two letters, ISO format
BILL_CITYPE Shopper's ID type - mandatory for UPT. Accepted values: PERSONALID (identity card), PASSPORT (passport), DRVLICENSE (driving license)
BILL_CINUMBER Shopper's ID number (for the specified ID type)
Card/Token Details

It should be provided either card data, Token provided by PayU Modal Checkout or Token provided by OneClick payments, with card CVV:

Card details (only for card payment methods)
Parameter Description
CC_NUMBER The card number on which the order authorization will be made.
EXP_MONTH The month in which the card used expires
EXP_YEAR The year in which the card used expires
CC_CVV The CCV/CVV2 code for the card. For some card types or based on merchant settings this can be empty, otherwise it should have a numerical value.
CC_OWNER The card owner name, as it appears on the card.
Token provided by PayU Modal Checkout
Parameter Description
CC_TOKEN The token provided by Modal Checkout.
Token provided by OneClick payments
Parameter Description
CC_TOKEN OneClick payments token
CC_CVV The CCV/CVV2 code for the card. For some card types or based on merchant settings this can be empty, otherwise it should have a numerical value.
Token provided by ApplePay payments
Parameter Description
APPLE_PAY_TOKEN Url-encoded ApplePay payments token (the value of "paymentData" node. ex: {version:"", signature:"", header:"", data:""})
Payments with Google Pay™
NOTE This feature requires some additional configuration to be done for your account by our team, before you can use it. Please contact us for more information.
NOTE This feature is not available on the previous versions of ALU.

You can make payments by using Google Pay tokens, generated on your end, through ALU v3. Below is the required parameter for making such a payment:

Parameter Description
GOOGLE_PAY_TOKEN URL-encoded Google Pay token (the JSON value representation of the paymentData element.)

To begin your Web integration with Google Pay, please check the Google Pay Web developer documentation.

Ensure that your integration follows the items described in Google Pay Web integration checklist, and also the Google Pay Web Brand Guidelines.
Additionally, you must adhere to the Google Pay APIs Acceptable Use Policy and accept the terms defined in the Google Pay API Terms of Service.

The gateway parameter from the TokenizationSpecification node should have the constant value of payuro, according to the snippet below:

            const tokenizationSpecification = {
                type: 'PAYMENT_GATEWAY',
                parameters: {
                    'gateway': 'payuro',
                    'gatewayMerchantId': '[Your merchant code]'

The value of the gatewayMerchantId parameter should be your merchant code.

You should have a similar configuration for your PaymentMethod node as below.
The values of these items are configured on PayU's side as well. Please contact us to ensure you have the proper setup for your account.

            const allowedCardNetworks = ['MASTERCARD', 'VISA'];
            const allowedCardAuthMethods = ['PAN_ONLY', 'CRYPTOGRAM_3DS'];

In certain cases, 3DS may be requested for Google Pay payments as well. Please ensure that your implementation is ready to support such transactions. For more information, please read our section below, "D. 3D Secure". An example of such ALU response is provided here.

B. Optional Parameters List

Order Details
Parameter Description
ORDER_PINFO[] Array filled with additional product information
ORDER_VER[] Array filled with the product version for all ordered products
SELECTED_INSTALLMENTS_NUMBER The number of installments. It can be an integer between 1 and 12.
CARD_PROGRAM_NAME The name of card program that allows paying an order using installments.
ORDER_TIMEOUT The time in seconds after which the order will expire.
USE_LOYALTY_POINTS A string with value YES. The order will be paid using loyalty points. It can be used for one time payments and (only when the LOYALTY_POINTS_AMOUNT parameter is set and smaller than order total amount) also for installments payments.
LOYALTY_POINTS_AMOUNT Indicates the money amount worth of loyalty points to be used for payment. It can be used only together with USE_LOYALTY_POINTS parameter (set to YES).
It can be an integer that will represent the money amount.
Please note that in case of Garanti cards, you can optionaly send array, since the parameter supports multiple loyalty programs (BNS or FBB), but if you decide to sent an integer value, the system will default on the BNS program:
E.g using integer:
E.g using array:
The value that you are sending (or the sum of values in the case of an array) should be less or equal to the money amount worth of loyalty points which you have available at the bank, otherwise, you will receive an error and the order will not be authorized.
CAMPAIGN_TYPE A predefined string value indicating the type of campaign to be used. It can only have one of the following values: EXTRA_INSTALLMENTS or DELAY_INSTALLMENTS.
For bank terminals supporting both campaign types used at the same time, you can set both comma separated values, e.g: EXTRA_INSTALLMENTS,DELAY_INSTALLMENTS.
Must be used only with installments transactions (the SELECTED_INSTALLMENTS_NUMBER parameter must be greater than or equal to 2).
ORDER_SHIPPING A positive number indicating the price of shipping. The currency is set by PRICES_CURRENCY.
Billing Details
Parameter Description
BILL_FAX Shopper's fax number.
BILL_ADDRESS Shopper's address.
BILL_ADDRESS2 Shopper's address (second line).
BILL_ZIPCODE Address zip code.
BILL_STATE State / Dept.
Delivery Details
Parameter Description
DELIVERY_LNAME Last name of the person where the order will be delivered
DELIVERY_FNAME First name of the person where the order will be delivered
DELIVERY_EMAIL Email address of the person or company where the order will be delivered
DELIVERY_PHONE The phone of the person of company where the order will be delivered.
DELIVERY_COMPANY Company name where the order will be delivered.
DELIVERY_ADDRESS Oder delivery address.
DELIVERY_ADDRESS2 More details on order delivery address.
DELIVERY_ZIPCODE Order delivery address zip code.
DELIVERY_CITY Order delivery city.
DELIVERY_STATE Order delivery state.
DELIVERY_COUNTRYCODE Delivery country code in two letters ISO format.
Enable Token Payments
Parameter Description
LU_ENABLE_TOKEN Enable Token payments for the order. For the initial transaction, we have this parameter set to 1
LU_TOKEN_TYPE The type of the token. For the initial transaction, we have this parameter set to PAY_BY_CLICK
Details for antifraud
Parameter Description
CC_NUMBER_TIME Time spent by user to insert card number
CC_OWNER_TIME Time spent by user to insert card owner
Stored Credentials
Parameter Description
STORED_CREDENTIALS_CONSENT_TYPE Used for the initial transaction in which the customer agrees to using stored card information for subsequent transactions.
Possible values:
recurring used for subsequent scheduled (recurring) transactions
onDemand used for subsequent customer-initiated transactions, or subsequent unscheduled transactions initiated by the merchant.
Only one type can be sent in a request. If STORED_CREDENTIALS_CONSENT_TYPE is used, STORED_CREDENTIALS_USE_TYPE shouldn't be present
STORED_CREDENTIALS_USE_TYPE Used after consent authorization.
Possible values:
cardholder Used for stored card transactions, initiated by the cardholder.
merchant - Used for unscheduled stored card transactions initiated by the merchant.
recurring - A transaction in a series of transactions that use stored card information and that are processed at fixed, regular intervals.
Only one type can be sent in a request. If STORED_CREDENTIALS_USE_TYPE is used, STORED_CREDENTIALS_CONSENT_TYPE shouldn't be present
If STORED_CREDENTIALS_USE_TYPE is set to merchant OR recurring, threeDSecure parameters should NOT be sent.
The card schema's ID identifying the initial request in which the customer consented to using stored payment credentials for processing future payments.
3. 2 Airline Information

The airline information parameter, AIRLINE_INFO, should be provided by any airline services operator merchant. This parameter contains basic information about the passenger and his/her flight ticket.

Parameter Description Required
PASSENGER_NAME First name and last name of the passenger (max. 20 characters) Yes
TICKET_NUMBER Ticket number (max. 14 characters) No
RESTRICTED_REFUND Possibility of refund (0 - no restrictions, 1 - non refundable) No
RESERVATION_SYSTEM Name of reservation system (e.g. ATS = Delta, SABR = Sabre) (max. 4 characters) No
TRAVEL_AGENCY_CODE The code of travel agency (max. 8 characters) No
TRAVEL_AGENCY_NAME The name of travel agency (max. 25 characters) No

An array containing information about this flight transits. First element should have 0 as key, second should have 1 as key etc. The structure of these elements is defined below:

Parameter Description Required
DEPARTURE_DATE Departure date in the format YYYY-MM-DD Yes
DEPARTURE_AIRPORT Departure airport code (max. 3 characters) Yes
DESTINATION_AIRPORT Destination airport code (max. 3 characters) Yes
AIRLINE_CODE Airline 2-letters code No
AIRLINE_NAME Airline name ((max. 20 characters)) No
SERVICE_CLASS Ticket type (class) (economy, business class, etc.) (max. 1 char) No
STOPOVER Displays the possibility of stop-over for the given ticket; 1 = Stop-over is allowed, 0 - not allowed No
FARE_CODE Tariff code (max. 6 characters) No
FLIGHT_NUMBER Flight number (max. 5 characters) No

For instance, the DEPARTURE_DATE of first flight transit/segment would be referenced as the POST variable AIRLINE_INFO[FLIGHT_SEGMENTS][0][DEPARTURE_DATE].

3. 3 Credit details (only for CREDIT_SLICE or CREDIT_BUY_NOW_PAY_LATER payment methods)
Parameter Description Format Mandatory/Optional
CREDIT_LIMIT_AMOUNT[] Array filled with amount limits for the credit. Currently supporting only ONE. Array Mandatory
CREDIT_LIMIT_CURRENCY[] Array filled with currency limits for the credit. Currently supporting only ONE. Should be the same as default account currency. Array Mandatory
CREDIT_CUSTOMER_UUID This is an unique identifier of the customer. The same value has to be sent in all credit calls for a specific merchant (value should be uuid v4 format). UUID V4
(e.g. ff851d4a-0ec8-47ab-912e-a80963e5cb4b)
CREDIT_CUSTOMER_MASTER_UUID This is an unique identifier of the customer. The same value has to be sent in all credit calls for a specific merchant (value should be uuid v4 format). UUID V4
(e.g. ff851d4a-0ec8-47ab-912e-a80963e5cb4b)
CREDIT_SCORING This is the credit scoring calculated for the user (value should be a decimal number). Numeric
(e.g. 0.1, 0.2 ... 0.8, 0.9)
CREDIT_CNP This is the CNP of the customer that wants the credit. Numeric Optional
CREDIT_INCOME_SOURCE This is the source of income from which the credit will be paid (value should be string). String Optional
CREDIT_UNCENSORED_SCORING This is a credit uncensored score and it is used in Risk Matrix. Numeric Optional
CREDIT_PAYMENT_METHOD_LIMIT_AMOUNT Amount limit for the credit when credit type is BNPL Exposure. Numeric Optional
CREDIT_NR_INSTALLMENTS This is the number of installments that a SLICE order can be divided into. Numeric Optional
CREDIT_NR_DAYS_DUE_DATE This is the number of calendar days allowed between the moment an order is placed and the due date for repayment. Numeric Optional
3. 4 3DS 2.0 Parameters

Exemptions: Recurring and Merchant Initiated Transactions (MIT).
Only the initial transaction, starting the subscription or recurring cycle will require SCA (3DS 2.0 Authentification). Subsequent transactions will be exempt.

If the transaction is with variable amount and date (such as in case of some utility bills based on usage, like electricity, telecom services etc.), such transaction will be called MIT (Merchant Initiated Transaction) and will be also exempt.

For marking a transaction as a:

Please see the dedicated section of the documentation.
Of course in the above cases, the merchant must obtain cardholder's consent for charging the card.

Parameter Description Length Format Mandatory/Optional
STRONG_CUSTOMER_AUTHENTICATION Mark the transaction as 3DS2.0. Without this, the rest of 3DS2.0 will be ignored. 3 characters String
Values accepted:
  • YES
Mandatory for 3DS2.0 transactions
ADDRESS_MATCH Indicates whether the cardholder's shipping address and billing address are the same. 2-3 characters String
Values accepted:
  • YES: Shipping address matches billing address
  • NO: Shipping address does not match billing address
BROWSER_ACCEPT_HEADER Exact content of the HTTP accept headers as sent to the 3DS Requestor from the cardholder’s browser. Variable, maximum 2048 characters String
BROWSER_IP IP address of the browser as returned by the HTTP headers to the 3DS Requestor. Variable, maximum 45 characters String
Values accepted:
  • IPv4 address is represented in the dotted decimal format of 4 sets of decimal numbers separated by dots. The decimal number in each and every set is in the range 0 to 255. Example of IPv4 address:
  • IPv6 address is represented as eight groups of four hexadecimal digits, each group representing 16 bits. The groups are separated by colons (:). Example of IPv6 address:2011:0db8:85a3:0101:0101:8a2e:0370:
BROWSER_JAVA_ENABLED It represents the ability of the cardholder's browser to execute Java. 2-3 characters String
Values accepted:
  • YES: cardholder's browser can execute Java
  • NO: cardholder's browser can't execute Java
BROWSER_LANGUAGE It represents the browser language as defined in IETF BCP47. Variable, 1-8 characters String Mandatory
BROWSER_COLOR_DEPTH The bit depth of the color palette for displaying images, in bits per pixel. Variable, 1-2 digits Numeric
Values accepted: 1,4,8,15,16,24,32,48
BROWSER_SCREEN_HEIGHT The total height of the cardholder's screen, in pixels. Variable, 1-6 digits Numeric
BROWSER_SCREEN_WIDTH The total width of the cardholder's screen, in pixels. Variable, 1-6 digits Numeric
BROWSER_TIMEZONE The time difference between UTC time and the cardholder's browser local time, in minutes. Variable, 1-5 digits Numeric
BROWSER_USER_AGENT Exact content of the HTTP user-agent header. Variable, maximum 2048 characters String
BILL_ADDRESS3 Third line of the street address or equivalent local portion of the cardholder's billing address associated with the card used for this purchase. Variable, maximum 50 characters String
BILL_STATE_CODE The state or province of the cardholder's billing address associated with the card used for this purchase. Variable, maximum 7 characters String
The ISO-3166-2 code of the country subdivision:
country - subdivision

RO-VN (Romania - Vrancea)
GB-LND (United Kingdom - London)
HOME_PHONE_COUNTRY_PREFIX The country code of the home phone number. Variable, maximum 3 characters String
Refer to ITU-E.164 for additional information on format.
HOME_PHONE_SUBSCRIBER The cardholder's home phone number (without the country code). Variable, maximum 15 characters String
Refer to ITU-E.164 for additional information on format.
MOBILE_PHONE_COUNTRY_PREFIX The country code of the mobile phone number. Variable, maximum 3 characters String
Refer to ITU-E.164 for additional information on format.
MOBILE_PHONE_SUBSCRIBER The cardholder's mobile phone number (without the country code). Variable, maximum 15 characters String
Refer to ITU-E.164 for additional information on format.
WORK_PHONE_COUNTRY_PREFIX The country code of the work phone number. Variable, maximum 3 characters String
Refer to ITU-E.164 for additional information on format.
WORK_PHONE_SUBSCRIBER The cardholder's work phone number (without the country code). Variable, maximum 15 characters String
Refer to ITU-E.164 for additional information on format.
DELIVERY_ADDRESS3 Third line of the street address or equivalent local portion of the shipping address requested by the cardholder. Variable, maximum 50 characters String
DELIVERY_STATE_CODE The state or province of the shipping address. Variable, maximum 7 characters String
The ISO-3166-2 code of the country subdivision:
country - subdivision

RO-VN (Romania - Vrancea)
GB-LND (United Kingdom - London)
CARDHOLDER_FRAUD_ACTIVITY Indicates whether the merchant experienced suspicious activity on the account. 2-3 characters String
Values accepted:
  • YES: Suspicious activity observed
  • NO: No suspicious activity
DEVICE_CHANNEL Indicates the type of channel interface being used to initiate the transaction. 2 characters String
Values accepted:
  • 01: The transaction was initiated through the mobile SDK.
  • 02: The transaction was initiated through a web browser.
  • 03: 3DS Requestor Initiated. The 3DS Requestor Initiated device channel allows 3-D Secure authentication without the presence of the cardholder.
CHALLENGE_INDICATOR Indicates whether a challenge is requested for this transaction. For example, for Payment Authentication, a 3DS Requestor may have concerns about the transaction, and request a challenge. 2 characters String
Values accepted:
  • 01: No challenge requested
  • 02: Challenge requested (3DS Requestor Preference)
  • 03: Challenge requested (Mandate)
CHALLENGE_WINDOW_SIZE An override field that you can pass in to set the challenge window size to display to the end cardholder. The Access Control Server (ACS) will reply with content that is formatted appropriately to this window size to allow for the best user experience. The sizes are width x height in pixels of the window displayed in the cardholder browser window. 2 characters String
Values accepted:
  • 01: 250x400
  • 02: 390x400
  • 03: 500x600
  • 04: 600x400
  • 05: Full page
ACCOUNT_ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION Additional information about the cardholder’s account provided by the 3DS Requestor. Variable String Optional
TRANSACTION_TYPE Identifies the type of transaction being authenticated. 2 characters String
Values accepted:
  • 01: Goods/ Service Purchase
  • 10: Account Funding
  • 11: Quasi-Cash Transaction
  • 28: Prepaid Activation and Load
SHIPPING_INDICATOR The shipping method selected by the customer. 2 characters String
Values accepted:
  • 01: Ship to cardholder billing address
  • 02: Ship to another verified address on file with merchant
  • 03: Ship to address that is different than billing address
  • 04: Ship to store (store address should be populated on request)
  • 05: Digital goods
  • 06: Travel and event tickets, not shipped
  • 07: Other
PREORDER_INDICATOR Indicates whether cardholder is placing an order for merchandise with a future availability or release date. 2 characters String
Values accepted:
  • 01: Merchandise available
  • 02: Future availability
PREORDER_DATE Expected date that a pre-ordered purchase will be available. 10 characters String
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
DELIVERY_TIME_FRAME Indicates the merchandise delivery time frame. 2 characters String
  • 01: Electronic delivery
  • 02: Same day shipping
  • 03: Overnight shipping
  • 04: Two or more days shipping
REORDER_INDICATOR Indicates whether the cardholder is reordering previously purchased merchandise. 2 characters String
  • 01: First time ordered
  • 02: Reordered
MERCHANT_FUNDS_AMOUNT For prepaid or gift card purchase, the purchase amount total of prepaid or gift card(s) in major units. Maximum 15 digits Numeric Optional
MERCHANT_FUNDS_CURRENCY For prepaid or gift card purchase, currency code of the gift card. 3 characters String
Format: ISO 4217
RECURRING_FREQUENCY_DAYS Indicates the minimum number of days between authorizations. Maximum 4 digits Numeric Optional
RECURRING_EXPIRY_DATE It is the date after which no further authorizations shall be performed. 10 characters String
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
ACCOUNT_CREATE_DATE It is the date when the cardholder opened the account with the 3DS Requstor. 10 characters String
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
ACCOUNT_DELIVERY_ADDRESS_FIRST_USED_DATE It is the date when the shipping address used for this transaction was first used with the 3DS Requestor. 10 characters String
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
ACCOUNT_DELIVERY_ADDRESS_USAGE_INDICATOR Indicates when the shipping address used for this transaction was first used with the 3DS Requestor. 2 characters String
Values accepted:
  • 01: This transaction
  • 02: Less than 30 days
  • 03: 30-60 days
  • 04: More than 60 days
ACCOUNT_NUMBER_OF_TRANSACTIONS_LAST_YEAR Number of transactions (successful and abandoned) for this cardholder account with the 3DS Requestor across all payment accounts in the previous year. Maximum 3 digits Numeric Optional
ACCOUNT_NUMBER_OF_TRANSACTIONS_LAST_DAY Number of transactions (successful and abandoned) for this cardholder account with the 3DS Requestor across all payment accounts in the previous 24hours. Maximum 3 digits Numeric Optional
ACCOUNT_NUMBER_OF_PURCHASES_LAST_SIX_MONTHS Number of purchases with this cardholder account during the previous six months. Maximum 4 digits Numeric Optional
ACCOUNT_CHANGE_DATE It is the date when the cardholder’s account with the 3DS Requestor was last changed, including Billing or Shipping address, new payment account, or new user(s) added. 10 characters String
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
ACCOUNT_CHANGE_INDICATOR Length of time since the cardholder’s account information with the 3DS Requestor was last changed, including billing or shipping address, new payment account, or new user(s) added. 2 characters String
Values accepted:
  • 01: Changed during transaction
  • 02: Less than 30 days
  • 03: 30-60 days
  • 04: More than 60 days
ACCOUNT_AGE_INDICATOR Length of time that the cardholder has had the account with the 3DS Requestor. 2 characters String
Values accepted:
  • 01: No Account
  • 02: Created during transaction
  • 03: Less than 30 days
  • 04: 30-60 days
  • 05: More than 60 days
ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_CHANGED_DATE It is the date when cardholder’s account with the 3DS Requestor had a password change or account reset. 10 characters String
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_CHANGED_INDICATOR Indicates the length of time since the cardholder’s account with the 3DS Requestor had a password change or account reset. 2 characters String
Values accepted:
  • 01: No change
  • 02: Changed during transaction
  • 03: Less than 30 days
  • 04: 30-60 days
  • 05: More than 60 days
ACCOUNT_NAME_TO_RECIPIENT_MATCH Indicates if the cardholder name on the account is identical to the shipping name used for this transaction. 2-3 characters String
Values accepted:
  • YES: Account name identical to shipping name
  • NO: Account name different from shipping name
ACCOUNT_ADD_CARD_ATTEMPTS_DAY Indicates the number of attempts to add a card to cardholder's account in merchant's system within last 24 hours. Maximum 3 digits Numeric Optional
ACCOUNT_AUTH_METHOD Mechanism used by the cardholder to authenticate to the 3DS Requestor. 2 characters String
Values accepted:
  • 01: No authentication occurred (e.g. Guest Checkout)
  • 02: Login to the cardholder account at the merchant system using merchant system credentials
  • 03: Login to the cardholder account at the merchant system using a Federated ID
  • 04: Login to the cardholder account at the merchant system using issuer credentials
  • 05: Login to the cardholder account at the merchant system using third-party authentication
  • 06: Login to the cardholder account at the merchant system using FIDO Authenticator
ACCOUNT_AUTH_DATETIME Date and time of the cardholder authentication (in UTC). 19 characters String
REQUESTOR_AUTHENTICATION_DATA Information about how the 3DS Requestor authenticated the cardholder before or during the transaction. Variable String Optional
ACCOUNT_CARD_ADDED_INDICATOR Indicates if and when the card was stored in the merchant account. 2 characters String
Values accepted:
  • 01: No account (guest checkout)
  • 02: During the transaction
  • 03: Less than 30 days
  • 04: 30-60 days
  • 05: More than 60 days
ACCOUNT_CARD_ADDED_DATE Date when card has been stored in the merchant account. 10 characters String
Format: YYYY-MM-DD
Other Details
Parameter Description
CLIENT_IP IP address of the Shopper
CLIENT_TIME Time collected from the Shopper's browser in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm;ss format
FX Parameters

When all the parameters below are sent, the FX feature is enabled; this means that the actual payment will be completed by converting the order total price to the provided FX currency and exchange rate.

NOTE This feature requires some additional configuration to be done for your account by our team, before you can use it. Please contact us for more information.
NOTE The values must be valid. Ensure this by using always the data you receive from the official API.
Parameter Description
AUTHORIZATION_EXCHANGE_RATE FX exchange rate numeric value (e.g. 0.2161)
AUTHORIZATION_CURRENCY FX 3-letters currency code (e.g. EUR)

If only one parameter is sent or the values of any of them is invalid, the payment will fail and the INVALID_FX_PARAMETERS return code will be used. Also, the FX_NOT_ALLOWED return code will be used when the feature is not enabled for your account.

How is actually the FX feature working? The sum of product prices, which you are sending in the ORDER_PRICE ALU field, will be converted to the currency specified by the FX parameter AUTHORIZATION_CURRENCY, by multiplying the sum of prices by the exchange rate multiplier sent in AUTHORIZATION_EXCHANGE_RATE parameter. Finally, the order will be finished with this new calculated total amount, using as currency the value sent in AUTHORIZATION_CURRENCY.

For example, if the given currency in PRICES_CURRENCY is "TRY", the sum of ORDER_PRICE values is 10 and by using the values received from FX API, let's assume that AUTHORIZATION_EXCHANGE_RATE is 0.1825 and AUTHORIZATION_CURRENCY is "EUR", then the user will have to pay 1.825 EUR.


C. ORDER_HASH calculation

For security reason, each HTTP POST request must carry a unique signature. The signature is calculated using data from all parameters sent in the HTTP POST, the Merchant's secret key and the HMAC MD5 algorithm to encrypt data (RFC 2104).

For example, let's consider that a Merchant (OPU_TEST with secret key SECRET_KEY) sends the HTTP POST request to ALU containing the following parameters and values:
			"ORDER_REF" => "7305"
			"ORDER_DATE" => "2013-03-11+13:00:04"
			"ORDER_PNAME[0]" => "Ticket1"
			"ORDER_PCODE[0]" => "TCK1"
			"ORDER_PINFO[0]" => "Barcelona flight"
			"ORDER_PRICE[0]" => "100"
			"ORDER_QTY[0]" => "1"
			"ORDER_PNAME[1]" => "Ticket2"
			"ORDER_PCODE[1]" => "TCK2"
			"ORDER_PINFO[1]" => "London flight"
			"ORDER_PRICE[1]" => "200"
			"ORDER_QTY[1]" => "1"
			"CC_NUMBER" => "4355084355084358"
			"EXP_MONTH" => "01"
			"EXP_YEAR" => "2016"
			"CC_CVV" => "123"
			"CC_OWNER" => "FirstName LastName"
            "CC_NUMBER_TIME" => "15.23"
            "CC_OWNER_TIME" => "10.34"
			"BACK_REF" => ""
			"CLIENT_IP" => ""
			"BILL_LNAME" => "John"
			"BILL_FNAME" => "Doe"
			"BILL_EMAIL" => ""
			"BILL_PHONE" => "1234567890"
            "DELIVERY_FNAME" => "John"
            "DELIVERY_LNAME" => "Smith"
            "DELIVERY_PHONE" => "0729581297"
            "DELIVERY_ADDRESS" => "3256 Epiphenomenal Avenue"
            "DELIVERY_ZIPCODE" => "55416"
            "DELIVERY_CITY" => "Minneapolis"
            "DELIVERY_STATE" => "Minnesota"
            "DELIVERY_COUNTRYCODE" => "MN"
NOTE ORDER_PNAME, ORDER_PCODE, ORDER_PINFO, ORDER_PRICE and ORDER_QTY must be sent in the HTTP POST along with the square brackets "[]".

Step 1: Sort alphabetically all the parameters sent in the HTTP POST by parameter's name

NOTE Parameters should be sorted by their name (key), NOT their values.
Using the example, this is the order of after the sort:
IMPORTANT If an order request contains more than one product, the ORDER_PNAME[], ORDER_PCODE[], ORDER_PINFO[], ORDER_PRICE[], ORDER_VER[] and ORDER_QTY[] arrays MUST be synchronized.
NOTE POST parameters which are associative arrays, shouldn't be sorted once again by themselves; instead, you should apply a depth-first parsing of such array for computing the signature; this means that the algorithm starts at the root of array and explores as far as possible along each element before eventually going back to a previous level.

Step 2: Compose the source string by adding the length of each HTTP POST parameter value at the beginning of the HTTP POST parameter value

For example, if the Merchant is OPU_TEST, the composed source will be: 8OPU_TEST (8 is the number of characters in OPU_TEST).

NOTE Before you are actually composing the signature string, strip off all the backslashes from the values: \' becomes ' and so on. Double backslashes (\\) should be translated as a single backslash (\).
NOTE If a HTTP POST parameter is sent empty it has to be added to the source string as 0. For example, if the SELECTED_INSTALLMENTS_NUMBER parameter is sent empty and due to the fact that after sorting, SELECTED_INSTALLMENTS_NUMBER is the last one, 0 should be added at the end of the source string.

Now, based on this, the entire source string for the values of the sorted parameters at Step 1 will be:

			42 LastName9127.0.0.1253256 Epiphenomenal Avenue11Minneapolis2MN4John5Smith1007295812979Minnesota555416201420168OPU_TEST192013-03-11+13:00:044TCK14TCK216Barcelona flight13London flight7Ticket17Ticket2310032001111473058CCVISAMC3TRY13

Step 3: Calculate the HASH using the HMAC MD5 encryption algorithm, the source string (as data) and Merchant's SECRET_KEY (as key)

From the POST we can see that Merchant's secret key in this example is "SECRET_KEY", so the HASH value will be:


Step 4: Add the calculated HASH value to the HTTP POST request before sending it to PayU

			ORDER_HASH: "14de52ecc7ca8202bbef94f2471e5768"
PayU will also calculate the HASH on its side with data received, and it will match it with the HASH sent by the Merchant.

D. 3D Secure

When the Shopper uses a card enrolled in 3D Secure system, PayU will return in response XML, the 3DS_ENROLLED code and URL_3DS url. Using URL_3DS, the merchant should redirect the browser in order for the user to perform 3DS authentication. After the authentication process ends, the Merchant will receive the results via POST to BACK_REF url containing REFNO, ALIAS, STATUS, RETURN_CODE, RETURN_MESSAGE and DATE parameters. Details can be found here.

E. Pay By Link (PBL)

If the payment method sent by Merchant is a PBL method, PayU will return in response XML a URL_REDIRECT. Using this url, the merchant should redirect the browser in order to start the payment. After the Shopper interaction with PBL website, the Merchant will receive the result via POST to BACK_REF url containing REFNO, ALIAS, STATUS, RETURN_CODE, RETURN_MESSAGE and DATE parameters. Details can be found here.


4. The response

The PayU system will respond in the XML format detailed below. The Merchant has to parse and process data from this XML on his backend. In case of 3DS, the same data is sent as HTTP POST to the BACK_REF url. In case if some API limit is defined in PayU system, we also return some specific headers with information about it (see API Limit documentation).

Parameter Description
REFNO Global PayU reference number for the order. This is unique across all requests. If any of the required parameters is missing, this will be empty!
ALIAS Unique string representation of the transaction that can be used by the Merchant in his backend.
STATUS Possible values:
  • SUCCESS - If the payment was authorized. In this case also REFNO is returned (see response sample)
  • FAILED - If the payment could NOT be authorized for various reasons (fraud, insufficient funds etc.). In this case a REFNO is returned, but the payment is Pending (see response sample)
  • INPUT_ERROR - If the payment request has erroneous or missing required parameters (see response sample)
  • ALU_NOT_ALLOWED - If ALU is disabled for this merchant or the maximum number of ALU calls was reached (see response sample)
RETURN_CODE Possible values:
  • AUTHORIZED - If the payment was authorized (see response sample)
  • 3DS_ENROLLED - The payment authorization needs to be confirmed by the Shopper with his BANK using 3DS (see response sample)
  • ALREADY_AUTHORIZED - If the Shopper tries to place a new order with the same ORDER_REF and HASH as a previous one (see response sample).
  • AUTHORIZATION_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS - An authorization process for the same order is in progress.
  • AUTHORIZATION_FAILED - The payment was NOT authorized (see response sample)
  • INVALID_CUSTOMER_INFO - Required data from the Shopper is missing or if malformed (see response sample)
  • INVALID_PAYMENT_INFO - Card data is NOT correct (see response sample)
  • INVALID_ACCOUNT - The Merchant name is NOT correct (see response sample)
  • INVALID_PAYMENT_METHOD_CODE - Payment method code is NOT recognized (see response sample)
  • INVALID_CURRENCY - Payment currency is NOT recognized (see response sample)
  • REQUEST_EXPIRED - If between ORDER_DATE is and payment date has passed more than 10 minutes or more than ORDER_TIMEOUT set by the merchant (see response sample)
  • HASH_MISMATCH - If HASH sent by the Merchant does NOT match the HASH calculated by PayU (see response sample).
  • WRONG_VERSION - If ALU version sent by the Merchant does NOT exist (see response sample).
  • INVALID_CC_TOKEN - If CC_TOKEN sent by the Merchant is NOT valid (see response sample).
  • INSTALLMENTS_LOYALTY_POINTS_INCOMPATIBLE - May appear when USE_LOYALTY_POINTS is set YES and SELECTED_INSTALLMENTS is set to a number greater than 1 (see response sample).
  • LOYALTY_POINTS_AMOUNT_INVALID - May appear when USE_LOYALTY_POINTS is set to YES and LOYALTY_POINTS_AMOUNT has invalid value (sent as string but greater than total price or sent as array with sum of values greater than total price (see response sample).
  • LIMIT_EXCEEDED - May appear when the number of ALU requests allowed on platform or merchant level was reached. (see response sample). In this case http response code will be 429.
RETURN_MESSAGE A more detailed description of the response code
DATE Date of the response in UTC format
URL_3DS In case that the credit card is enrolled in 3D Secure system, this parameter will contain an URL where the Merchant should redirect the browser of the Shopper (see response sample).
ORDER_REF Order external reference number in Merchant's system
AUTH_CODE Bank authorization code
RRN Retrieval reference number
WIRE_ACCOUNTS Contains an array of bank accounts used for paying in WIRE method. In case of other payment methods the node will be missing.
HASH Signature applied for the all elements from the request using the same algorithm as the signature from the initial request.
Parameters must be concatenated in the order presented above. URL_3DS is not included in the signature.
If the signature is NOT correct you'll get a HASH_MISMATCH error and the HASH tag will be empty.
TOKEN_HASH Displayed only if token payments are enabled for this order. See Enable Token Payments
Represents the hash string for the generated token.
It can be used by specifying this hash string in the CC_TOKEN field for OneClick payments.
TX_REFNO [Offline payment methods only] The acquirer reference number for the generated transaction. If any error occurs during transaction or the transfer is rejected, this response element will be empty or missing.
URL_REDIRECT [PBL payment methods only] The url to which the merchant must redirect the user in order to complete the transaction.
Wire bank accounts
Parameter Description
BANK_IDENTIFIER Bank identifier
BANK_ACCOUNT Bank account
ROUTING_NUMBER Bank routing number
BANK_SWIFT Bank swift
WIRE_RECIPIENT_NAME Wire payment Recipient name
WIRE_RECIPIENT_VAT_ID Wire payment recipient VAT id

Response samples

Below are displayed a few different ALU responses. Sample response for Non 3D Secure enrolled card:
		<?xml version="1.0"?>
            <RETURN_MESSAGE>Successfull authorized</RETURN_MESSAGE>
            <DATE>2012-11-06 20:52:20</DATE>
Sample response for 3D Secure enrolled card:
		<?xml version="1.0"?>
            <RETURN_MESSAGE>3DS Enrolled Card.</RETURN_MESSAGE>
            <DATE>2010-12-09 20:44:37</DATE>
Sample response for PBL payment methods:
		<?xml version="1.0"?>
            <RETURN_MESSAGE>Order saved and pending authorization.</RETURN_MESSAGE>
            <DATE>2016-05-10 10:10:52</DATE>
Sample response for failed card authorisation
		<?xml version="1.0"?>
            <RETURN_MESSAGE>Authorization declined</RETURN_MESSAGE>
            <DATE>2013-02-27 17:55:16</DATE>
Sample response for already authorized order
		<?xml version="1.0"?>
            <RETURN_MESSAGE>The payment for your order is already authorized.</RETURN_MESSAGE>
            <DATE>2013-02-27 17:55:16</DATE>
Sample response for erroneous required parameters
		<?xml version="1.0"?>
            <RETURN_MESSAGE>Mandatory billing information missing: Email</RETURN_MESSAGE>
            <DATE>2013-02-27 17:59:56</DATE>
Sample response for invalid card data
		<?xml version="1.0"?>
            <RETURN_MESSAGE>Invalid expiration date entered or the card has expired. (4111111111111111)</RETURN_MESSAGE>
            <DATE>2013-02-27 17:58:55</DATE>
Sample response for invalid payment method code
		<?xml version="1.0"?>
            <RETURN_MESSAGE>Invalid payment method for this account: CCVISAMC</RETURN_MESSAGE>
            <DATE>2013-02-27 17:58:01</DATE>
Sample response for invalid Merchant account name
		<?xml version="1.0"?>
            <RETURN_MESSAGE>Invalid account: Brands</RETURN_MESSAGE>
            <DATE>2013-02-27 17:58:23</DATE>
Sample response for expired request
		<?xml version="1.0"?>
            <RETURN_MESSAGE>Your request has expired - it is older than 10 minutes (2011-02-27 16:28:15)!
            <DATE>2013-02-27 18:30:56</DATE>
Sample response for invalid currency
		<?xml version="1.0"?>
            <RETURN_MESSAGE>Invalid currency: RDF! Allowed values: UAH, EUR, RUB, USD, BYR, KZT</RETURN_MESSAGE>
            <DATE>2013-02-27 18:28:19</DATE>
Sample response for HASH mismatch
		<?xml version="1.0"?>
            <RETURN_MESSAGE>Hash mismatch</RETURN_MESSAGE>
            <DATE>2013-02-27 17:56:12</DATE>
Sample response for WRONG_VERSION
		<?xml version="1.0"?>
            <RETURN_MESSAGE>Wrong version</RETURN_MESSAGE>
            <DATE>2013-06-06 21:26:13</DATE>
Sample response for wire payment
		<?xml version="1.0"?>
            <RETURN_MESSAGE>Order saved and pending authorization.</RETURN_MESSAGE>
            <DATE>2015-04-09 15:35:57</DATE>
                    <WIRE_RECIPIENT_NAME>GECAD ePayment International SA SRL</WIRE_RECIPIENT_NAME>
                    <BANK_IDENTIFIER>BRD Groupe Societe Generale</BANK_IDENTIFIER>
                    <WIRE_RECIPIENT_NAME>GECAD ePayment International SA SRL</WIRE_RECIPIENT_NAME>
                    <WIRE_RECIPIENT_NAME>GECAD ePayment International SA SRL</WIRE_RECIPIENT_NAME>
Sample response for INVALID_CC_TOKEN
		<?xml version="1.0"?>
            <RETURN_MESSAGE>Invalid Token</RETURN_MESSAGE>
            <DATE>2013-06-06 21:26:13</DATE>
Sample response for Loyalty points with installments incompatibility error
		<?xml version="1.0"?>
            <RETURN_MESSAGE>Cannot use installments on orders paid with loyalty points.</RETURN_MESSAGE>
            <DATE>2013-02-27 18:14:49</DATE>
Sample response for Loyalty points - invalid LOYALTY_POINTS_AMOUNT parameter
		<?xml version="1.0"?>
            <RETURN_MESSAGE>Loyalty points amount has invalid value</RETURN_MESSAGE>
            <DATE>2017-03-15 16:36:10</DATE>
Sample response for ALU calls limit exceeded
		<?xml version="1.0"?>
            <RETURN_MESSAGE>Limit calls for ALU exceeded for this merchant!</RETURN_MESSAGE>
            <DATE>2013-02-27 18:14:49</DATE>
IMPORTANT In case the Merchant has sent more than one order with the same external reference and price, the query will return information for the most recent transaction found in the database for that reference.

5. Return codes/messages in case of failed requests

Visa and Mastercard issued new rules prohibiting excessive payment reattempts.
For the below cases reattempts with the same card are not permitted:

CardType Return code Return code translation Action to be taken
MASTERCARD GWERROR_04 Restricted card No retries whatsoever
VISA GWERROR_04 Restricted card No retries whatsoever
MASTERCARD GWERROR_14 No such card No retries whatsoever
VISA GWERROR_14 No such card No retries whatsoever
MASTERCARD GWERROR_57 Transaction not permitted on card No retries whatsoever
VISA GWERROR_57 Transaction not permitted on card No retries whatsoever

Visa and Mastercard issued new rules prohibiting excessive payment reattempts.
For the below cases there is a low chance of a successful authorization, so Visa’s rules broadly prohibit more than 15 retries of a single payment over 30 calendar days and Mastercard new rules broadly prohibit more than 10 retries over a 24 hours period:

CardType Return code Return code translation Action to be taken
MASTERCARD GWERROR_3DS20_SOFT_DECLINE Soft Decline Limit Reattempt to no more than 10 in a 24 hours timeframe
VISA GWERROR_3DS20_SOFT_DECLINE Soft Decline Limit Reattempt to no more than 15 within a 30 days timeframe
MASTERCARD GWERROR_05 Authorization declined Limit Reattempt to no more than 10 in a 24 hours timeframe
VISA GWERROR_05 Authorization declined Limit Reattempt to no more than 15 within a 30 days timeframe
MASTERCARD GWERROR_51 Insufficient funds Limit Reattempt to no more than 10 in a 24 hours timeframe
VISA GWERROR_51 Insufficient funds Limit Reattempt to no more than 15 within a 30 days timeframe
MASTERCARD GWERROR_54 Expired card Limit Reattempt to no more than 10 in a 24 hours timeframe
VISA GWERROR_54 Expired card Limit Reattempt to no more than 15 within a 30 days timeframe
MASTERCARD GWERROR_61 Exceeds amount limit Limit Reattempt to no more than 10 in a 24 hours timeframe
VISA GWERROR_61 Exceeds amount limit Limit Reattempt to no more than 15 within a 30 days timeframe
MASTERCARD GWERROR_62 Restricted card Limit Reattempt to no more than 10 in a 24 hours timeframe
VISA GWERROR_62 Restricted card Limit Reattempt to no more than 15 within a 30 days timeframe
MASTERCARD GWERROR_84 Invalid cvv Limit Reattempt to no more than 10 in a 24 hours timeframe
VISA GWERROR_84 Invalid cvv Limit Reattempt to no more than 15 within a 30 days timeframe
MASTERCARD GWERROR_91 A technical problem occurred. Issuer cannot process Limit Reattempt to no more than 10 in a 24 hours timeframe
VISA GWERROR_91 A technical problem occurred. Issuer cannot process Limit Reattempt to no more than 15 within a 30 days timeframe
MASTERCARD GWERROR_93 Violation of law Limit Reattempt to no more than 10 in a 24 hours timeframe
VISA GWERROR_93 Violation of law Limit Reattempt to no more than 15 within a 30 days timeframe
MASTERCARD GWERROR_96 System malfunction Limit Reattempt to no more than 10 in a 24 hours timeframe
VISA GWERROR_96 System malfunction Limit Reattempt to no more than 15 within a 30 days timeframe
MASTERCARD GWERROR_107 Sorry at the moment the transaction cannot be processed due to ecessive retries with this card. Please try using another card. Limit Reattempt to no more than 10 in a 24 hours timeframe
VISA GWERROR_107 Sorry at the moment the transaction cannot be processed due to ecessive retries with this card. Please try using another card. Limit Reattempt to no more than 15 within a 30 days timeframe

Below is a list of codes/messages that may appear in case of failed transactions (<status>FAILED</status>).

Return code Translation
GW_ERROR_GENERIC An error occurred during processing. Please retry the operation
GW_ERROR_GENERIC_3D An error occurred during 3DS processing
GWERROR_-19 Authentication failed
GWERROR_-18 Error in CVC2 or CVC2 Description fields
GWERROR_-10 Error in amount field
GWERROR_-9 Error in card expiration date field
GWERROR_-8 Invalid card number
GWERROR_-3 Call acquirer support call number
GWERROR_-2 An error occurred during processing. Please retry the operation
GWERROR_01 Card type not active or incorrect PIN
GWERROR_02 Refer to card issuer, special condition
GWERROR_03 Invalid merchant
GWERROR_04 Restricted card
GWERROR_05 Authorization declined
GWERROR_06 Error - retry
GWERROR_07 Password incorrect or card disabled
GWERROR_08 Invalid amount
GWERROR_12 Amount exceeds card ceiling
GWERROR_13 Invalid amount
GWERROR_14 No such card
GWERROR_15 No such card/issuer
GWERROR_17 Customer cancellation
GWERROR_19 Re-enter transaction
GWERROR_20 Invalid response
GWERROR_21 No action taken (unable to back out prior transaction)
GWERROR_22 Suspected Malfunction
GWERROR_25 Unable to locate record in file, or account number is missing from the inquiry
GWERROR_28 File is temporarily unavailable
GWERROR_30 Format error
GWERROR_34 Credit card number failed the fraud
GWERROR_36 Credit restricted
GWERROR_41 Lost card
GWERROR_43 Stolen card, pick up
GWERROR_51 Insufficient funds
GWERROR_53 No savings account
GWERROR_54 Expired card
GWERROR_55 Incorrect PIN
GWERROR_57 Transaction not permitted on card
GWERROR_58 Not permitted to merchant
GWERROR_59 Suspected fraud
GWERROR_61 Exceeds amount limit
GWERROR_62 Restricted card
GWERROR_63 Security violation
GWERROR_65 Exceeds frequency limit
GWERROR_68 Response received too late
GWERROR_75 PIN tries exceeded
GWERROR_76 Wrong pin, tries exceeded
GWERROR_78 Reserved
GWERROR_81 PIN cryptographic error found (error found by VIC security module during PIN decryption)
GWERROR_82 Time-out at issuer
GWERROR_83 Unable to verify PIN
GWERROR_84 Invalid cvv
GWERROR_89 Authentication failure
GWERROR_91 A technical problem occurred. Issuer cannot process
GWERROR_92 Router unavailable
GWERROR_93 Violation of law
GWERROR_94 Duplicate transmission
GWERROR_95 Reconcile error
GWERROR_96 System malfunction
GWERROR_98 Error during canceling transaction
GWERROR_99 Incorrect card brand
GWERROR_102 Acquirer timeout
GWERROR_105 3DS authentication error
GWERROR_107 Sorry, at the moment the transaction cannot be processed due to ecessive retries with this card. Please try using another card.
GWERROR_108 Sorry, at the moment the transaction cannot be processed. Please try using another card.
GWERROR_109 Inactive card, please activate the card first.
GWERROR_2204 No permission to process the card installment.
GWERROR_2304 There is an ongoing process your order.
GWERROR_5007 Debit cards only supports 3D operations.
ALREADY_AUTHORIZED Re-enter transaction
NEW_ERROR Message flow error
WRONG_ERROR Re-enter transaction
-9999 Banned operation
1 Call acquirer support call number

6. Resources

6.1 PHP5 client library for ALU

PayU Automatic Live Update Client Library with implementation examples

6.2 cURL sample

Using the example presented above, here's the cURL command to ALU.
			curl -L \
			-d \
			-d \
			-d BILL_FNAME=Doe \
			-d BILL_LNAME=John \
			-d BILL_PHONE=1234567890 \
			-d CC_CVV=123 \
			-d CC_NUMBER=4355084355084358 \
			-d CC_OWNER=FirstName+LastName \
			-d CLIENT_IP= \
			-d EXP_MONTH=01 \
			-d EXP_YEAR=2016 \
			-d ORDER_DATE=2013-03-11+16%3A34%3A02 \
			-d ORDER_PCODE[0]=TCK1 \
			-d ORDER_PCODE[1]=TCK2 \
			-d ORDER_PINFO[0]=Barcelona+flight \
			-d ORDER_PINFO[1]=London+flight \
			-d ORDER_PNAME[0]=Ticket1 \
			-d ORDER_PNAME[1]=Ticket2 \
			-d ORDER_PRICE[0]=100 \
			-d ORDER_PRICE[1]=200 \
			-d ORDER_QTY[0]=1 \
			-d ORDER_QTY[1]=1 \
			-d ORDER_REF=7295 \
			-d DELIVERY_LNAME=Smith \
			-d DELIVERY_PHONE=7295 \
			-d DELIVERY_ADDRESS=3256+Epiphenomenal+Avenue \
			-d DELIVERY_ZIPCODE=55416 \
			-d DELIVERY_CITY=Minneapolis \
			-d DELIVERY_STATE=Minnesota \
			-d AIRLINE_INFO[PASSENGER_NAME]=Doe+John \ # Start of AIRLINE_INFO param construction
			-d AIRLINE_INFO[TICKET_NUMBER]=1497434371.1006 \
			-d AIRLINE_INFO[FLIGHT_SEGMENTS][0][DEPARTURE_DATE]=2017-06-14 \ # First flight transit
            -d AIRLINE_INFO[FLIGHT_SEGMENTS][1][DEPARTURE_DATE]=2017-06-20 \ # Second flight transit
			-d ORDER_HASH=14de52ecc7ca8202bbef94f2471e5768
Document version history
Version Date Change details Change author
1.0 September 15th, 2014 Document creation PayU
1.1 April 2nd, 2015 Resource updated with ALU public library PayU
1.2 April 23nd, 2015 Added wire payment method PayU
1.3 May 10th, 2016 Added BKM payment method and PBL flow PayU
1.4 October 6th, 2016 Update PBL payment methods PayU
1.5 June 14th, 2017 Added AIRLINE_INFO parameter PayU
1.6 January 30th, 2018 The following response codes has been created and/or updated: GWERROR_02, GWERROR_17, GWERROR_21, GWERROR_22, GWERROR_25, GWERROR_28, GWERROR_59, GWERROR_68, GWERROR_81, GWERROR_83 and GWERROR_95. PayU
1.7 August 4th, 2020 Added 3DS 2.0 section PayU